Whether you got married as a virgin or not or you have had loads of it with your partner before marriage , a lot still goes into trying to make your wedding night a memorable one. This is because couples want to remember their wedding night for a long time.
It is however not out of place that a huge number of couples end up not able to make love on their wedding night because of the stress and fatigue associated with wedding planning/ceremonies and parties. If this turns out to be your case, don't worry, ensure the nights to follow make up for this.
It is however not out of place that a huge number of couples end up not able to make love on their wedding night because of the stress and fatigue associated with wedding planning/ceremonies and parties. If this turns out to be your case, don't worry, ensure the nights to follow make up for this.
Below are some tips that will help you enjoy your first night together as a couple
Plan to avoid wedding mishaps
Plan to avoid wedding mishaps
As much as it lies within their power, couples should plan to avoid wedding mishaps. Too much alcohol and food should be avoided. Many marriages start cracking up few hours after the wedding and a lot of it is owed to heavy drinking. You will enjoy your day but do not dance till you are dizzy and your feet starts aching. Also, delegate most of the chores that may demand your personal attention to a close/trusted ally, this way you will be sure not to pass out from exhaustion as soon as you hit the bed.
Prepare your body and mind for sex
Firstly, if you are getting married as a virgin, you should prepare your body and mind for sex. Sex is as much a physical thing as it is a psychological thing. A good disposition towards sex (for instance majoring on all the good things you have been told sex can do to your marriage) will help you relax and enjoy your first time sex. Women can feel pain the first time they have sex, but there are things you can do to minimize the pain – from going slow and being patient to using a lubricant. Be sure you know what to do before your wedding night.
Foreplay is key to having satisfied sex. No matter how tired both of you are after the wedding party, you can not jeopardize your chances of a blissful first night by not engaging in foreplay . You and your partner must work together to put yourselves in the mood and ensure everyone is sizzling hot!
Talk to your partner, be intimate.
If you are feeling jittery about your wedding night, chances are your partner is too. The only remedy is to schedule a time both of you can talk about it and be as honest as ever in the discussion. Tell the truth about what you expect your wedding night to look like and be sure to share your sexual fantasies.
Talk to your partner, be intimate.
If you are feeling jittery about your wedding night, chances are your partner is too. The only remedy is to schedule a time both of you can talk about it and be as honest as ever in the discussion. Tell the truth about what you expect your wedding night to look like and be sure to share your sexual fantasies.
Express your love
Love they say, is expressed. The key to finding the perfect expression of love, however, is knowing the person you married. You can try hugging, kissing, cuddling or whispering sweet nothings, but in all be sure that your message of affection is passed across effectively.
Set a romantic mood
Preparation can make all the difference when it comes to wedding night sex. After the ceremony and festivities, you might be exhausted. But you can make sure there will be champagne on ice, rose petals on the floor and a few candles. Either take care of it yourself the morning of the wedding or ask someone you trust to do it for you. Make sure you pack your fancy underwear and lingerie for the wedding night, too. If you forget that, however, nudity always works well.
Plan your sex life from day one
Think of your wedding night as the first night of the rest of your sex life. From the start of your sexual relationship, you should be open and comfortable with one another. You should also take responsibility for your own sexual pleasure. In other words, make a plan on how you are going to continue to pleasure one another and keep things exciting.
Keep up the passion
Married sex runs the risk of getting boring. For couples who have had lots of sex ahead of the wedding night, this can happen from the very first night. You can however spice up the passion by playing sex games and being a little more adventurous .
If you want to know more go to Guide to wedding night sex
If you want to know more go to Guide to wedding night sex