Thursday, February 16

How I Spent My "Val"

First, I have always wondered why everybody's name changes to Valentine on Feb 14 and suddenly the people in your life that you love now go by  the name Val, whether male or female. Lol.

Anyway, I don't have a Val in my life (*eyez pooping*?)....I have Uche! And I celebrate him everyday which means yesterday wasn't left out.

However, yesterday the 15th of February happens to be our anniversary so you will understand why henceforth, the 14th will be a lesser date for me as long February is concerned.

Sadly, the foundation of St.Valentine's day celebration as we know it today is wrong, so also is almost every other celebration out there no matter what justification we give them.

Some also argue that Love should not be dictated and therefore there shouldn't be a date set aside for showing it or celebrating it and I concur.

But there are also some folks who have become so emasculated in the things of life or are so nonchalant that were it not for such dates, they would never remember to say "I Love You"

 So, my conclusion is this- if Val's day is what floats your boat, the only day that you remember to reiterate your love for your wife, husband, children, family and friends, then by all means do it on that day.

A lot of us while still single secretly crave for that one person that we care about to acknowledge his/her love on that day among other days, so how come we won't legitimately do it now that we have him/her forever by our side?

If you are a Christian couple and you are trying to find a justification  for celebrating love on Valentine's day, then read what Marriage Missions, a christian organisation has to say about Val's  here.

Now back to me... :-)

This was Us last night saying I do again, in our own little way.

And these words were written by me literally ..... you guessed right, those are live prints of my lips(LoLs)

Why am I blogging this? Because it doesn't take so much to have a beautiful life. Instead of waking up in the morning of your anniversary and waiting to see if he would forget it, why not say 'sweetie happy anniversary' and ensure he is reminded and robbed of excuse? If he is the busy type that leaves before you wake up, why not plan something small and beautiful and ensure you have a good day.

Anyway for us, it is too early to start forgetting anniversaries, so here I am with my gift.( Muaah...thanks Sweet)

Hey Ladies, lets debunk the myth that "romance dies with marriage". If your anniversary is this month, do have a fab one.

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