Monday, November 7

How To Tell Your Spouse is Emotionally Abusive!

Abuse permeates our nation's society today. It can be blatant and obvious, as in spousal abuse, or it can be hidden in behaviors that manipulate or neglect. When the behavior is not obvious, recognition is usually possible by examining patterns of behavior.

More recognized forms of emotional abuse are control by fear, control by manipulation and control by withdrawing affection or ignoring a spouse.If your spouse is a bully, it is likely that you live in fear of upsetting him. I've known spouses (and kids) who walked on eggshells in their own home. The only time they resembled their old personality was when they were out of the home with friends. That person might be you.

Control and manipulation are other forms of emotional abuse. Being forced or tricked into doing things we don't want to do is manipulation. Some spouses play the guilt card often; another form of emotional abuse. Guilt trips never end well.

Withdrawing affection is a game that women play better than men because we are more relational than men. A woman who can remain cool toward her husband just might get that vacation she has been dreaming of for a while. The spouse may not have a clue what the problem is but is only too glad to agree to the vacation if it ends the standoff in his marriage.

Just about the worst form of emotional abuse is to be treated as if you don't exist. You have no voice that is heard because you are being ignored. The result is feelings of isolation and separation from the spouse. Its a punishment for some unknown offense and its emotional abuse.

Neglect is also abuse.

If you have an emotional abuser for a spouse, the best thing you can do is get some help for yourself. If he'll go with you, thats great. If not, do it for yourself.

As written by Mona in
